domingo, 31 de março de 2013

Colin Camerer: Neuroscience, game theory, monkeys

When two people are trying to make a deal -- whether they’re competing or cooperating -- what’s really going on inside their brains? Behavioral economist Colin Camerer shows research that reveals just how little we’re able to predict what others are thinking. And he presents an unexpected study that shows chimpanzees might just be better at it than we are. (Filmed at TEDxCalTech.)

Colin Camerer is a leading behavioral economist who studies the psychological and neural bases of choice and strategic decision-making
Colin Camerer focuses on brain behavior during decision making, strategizing and market trading. He is the Robert Kirby Professor of Behavioral Finance and Economics at the California Institute of Technology. A child prodigy in his youth, Camerer received a B.A. in quantitative studies from Johns Hopkins when he was just 17 and a PhD in decision theory from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business when he was 22. Camerer's research departs from previous theory in that it does not assume the mind to be a rational and perfect system, but rather focuses on the limitations of everyday people when they play actual games, and seeks to predict how they will behave in situations that involve strategy. His studies focus on neurological findings from economic experiments in the lab (on humans -- and monkeys!) Camerer is the author of Behavioral Game Theory.

Palestra Gestão do Conhecimento - SEBRAE-MG

Gestão do Conhecimento na Prática
A gestão do conhecimento é um valioso recurso estratégico que transforma a vida das pessoas e das empresas. Participe do evento e saiba como tornar o seu negócio ainda mais produtivo.
Data:4 de abril
Horário:13h30 às 17h30
Local:Av.Barão Homem de Melo,329,Nova Granada,Belo Horizonte/MG
Palestra Gestão do Conhecimento Aplicada - Aprimorando o Empreendedorismo com George Leal Jamil
Espaço para perguntas
Networking e coffee break
Apresentação do case Brasil Kirin com Sandra Prenstteter
Espaço para perguntas
Sorteio e encerramento